Act for a future in which humans and macaques thrive together in harmony
Macaques, particularly a handful of the approximately 25 species spread across Asia (and in the case of the Barbary macaque, North Africa), are among the most heavily exploited wild mammals on earth.
#RespectTheirNature is a call to action, inspiring individuals, communities, and organizations to embrace a mindset of empathy, stewardship, and advocacy for macaques. It’s a reminder that respecting their nature ensures a future in which humans and macaques thrive together in harmony.
Want to take part?

1. Use Hashtag #RespectTheirNature
We encourage you to download and share the resources below, especially during International Macaque Week (May 1-7). Make sure to include the hashtag #RespectTheirNature
You could consider printing your favorite #RespectTheirNature signs, and taking and sharing your own photos like the ones below. Better yet, you could talk with influential and respected people in your community and convince them to pose for such photos!*
*Remember not to take or share selfies with real monkeys, which can be inadvertently harmful!

2. Share How You #RespectTheirNature
Let us know how you #RespectTheirNature!
You can tag International Macaque Week on Facebook or Instagram - or send us your pictures at IMW@asiaforanimals.com
How To Use: A Guide for IMW Materials

IMW is celebrated around the globe!
Add #RespectTheirNature #InternationalMacaqueWeek to join the celebration!

Join us!
We encourage everyone to help spread macaque positivity. If you are interested in collaborating or want to tell us about your plans for International Macaque Week, please reach out to us at macaques@asiaforanimals.com.