Get Involved
Macaque Gallery
Share your macaque-related photographs and artwork for exhibit in the IMW online gallery. All the beauty and diversity of macaques - in one place!
All digital forms of artwork are accepted:
camera footage
vocalization/sound recordings
children's picture books
Simply upload your media folder to Google Drive or similar platforms and email links to IMW@asiaforanimals.com
*Selected submissions will be displayed after being reviewed by our curators.

Where are your monkey signs?
Share photos to:
Take advantage of #InternationalMacaqueWeek to go outside to the park, or the hike, or the street... that you have not been to lately. Spot any signboards with a monkey picture on them and take selfies/photos!*
Tag @InternationalMacaqueWeek in said pictures on Facebook or Instagram. We'll repost and comment on the functions of the Monkey Sign!
Don't forget to use hashtags #MonkeySign and #InternationalMacaqueWeek
Together, we can promote coexistence for people and macaques in our circles!
*note - please do not attempt to photograph yourself with monkeys or share any such photographs - this can be harmful to them and to you!
Collaborate with us
Got ideas?
Pitch them to us at IMW@asiaforanimals.com and we'll get in touch!
Be it a virtual tour to promote your monkey sanctuary, an educational outreach school program about macaque awareness, citizen science and survey initiatives, ...
Combined efforts
Share with us what you'll be doing during the first week of May to celebrate International Macaque Week!
We can help spread the word and promote it on social media or our webpage. Email IMW@asiaforanimals.com!