Macaque coalition bibliography & resources

Resources for captive macaque care
The table below contains links to documents, webpages, courses and other guidance relating to macaque husbandry and care.
Below that, you will find a table of environmental enrichment ideas that have been submitted by various macaque caretakers from zoos and rescue centers worldwide.
These resources are works in progress! New articles, ideas and resources will be added regularly. If you would like to contribute, please contact us. If you would like to submit a novel enrichment idea, scroll down to the bottom of this page!
Reminder: use the filter, sort and search functions at the top of the table to find exactly what you need - or just browse using the scrollbars at bottom and on the side. Click on an item to reveal more detail.
Macaque enrichment
The environmental enrichment table provides ideas and resources for macaque-suitable enrichment. These have been collected and submitted by captive care professionals worldwide.
These resources are works in progress! New articles, ideas and resources will be added regularly. If you would like to contribute, please contact us.
This resource aims to provide simple, affordable and effective environmental enrichment ideas for captive macaques.
Please note that the safety and suitability of each item or idea will depend on your particular circumstance. For example, it may not be appropriate to use plastic bottle enrichment items for macaques who may eventually be released into areas where they may come in to contact with people; or certain items may be dangerous if provided to individuals who habitially throw heavy objects around. Always assess the risks and benefits of any item you choose to use. You can find articles and information about the safe and effective use of enrichment in the bibliography page.
Reminder: use the filter, sort and search functions at the top of the table to find exactly what you need - or just browse using the scrollbar at the side. Click on an item to reveal more detail.
To submit a novel macaque enrichment idea, click HERE and complete the form. To suggest other captivity-related resources, please email the Macaque Coalition coordinator.